Lillie's Kitchen

Old-School Comfort Foods That Aren’t Popular Anymore

Does reptile meat mixed with fortified wine 
sound appetizing to you? If not, then you'll   absolutely understand why these old-school 
comfort foods aren't very popular anymore. The 1950s were a time of some truly weird 
food creations. Some of them never quite   made it out of the decade, while others have 
managed to hang around in some capacity. Tuna   noodle casserole wasn't invented in the 
50s, as the recipe first appeared in 1930,   in a magazine published in the Pacific 
Northwest. It was popular in the region   well into World War II, where it gained 
popularity as a cheap, quick dish. By the 50s,   it had spread to the Midwest, where it became 
a mainstay on many dinner tables for decades   to come. That is, until the late 90s and 
early 2000s spelled its downward trend. It was the primary ingredient that 
spelled this casserole's end. After   decades of continuous growth, sales of canned 
tuna began to see a decline in the 90s,   due to growing concerns about its 
healthfulness and sustainability. "A tuna casserole." "Yes."
"May I serve?" "Please." Many comfort foods today are pretty 
much ubiquitously popular across much   of the United States.

But in the pre-Internet era,   it wasn't uncommon for comfort foods of decades 
past to never spread outside a particular region. That was the case for chicken a la 
king. At the turn of the 20th century,   it was both a comfort food and an upscale 
dish popular at restaurants. It features   diced chicken with mushrooms and peppers, 
served in a cream sauce and poured over   toast. While the name may sound a little French, 
it was likely born and bred in the Big Apple. "New Yoooork!" Between 1910 and the 1960s, chicken a la 
king appeared on more than 300 menus in   restaurants around the city. But by the 
late 70s, it had already begun to fade.

Long before a bowl of cereal became a breakfast 
table staple, another simple dish held a similar   place. Milk toast traces its origins at least 
as far back as the 1800s. It starts with a slice   of toast, spread with butter, torn into 
pieces, and sprinkled with cinnamon and   sugar. Then it's topped with milk that's been 
heated on the stove and seasoned with salt. It's tough to say exactly where this simple 
dish got its start, but it is known that as   late as the 1930s, recipes for milk toast were 
included in cookbooks. While you may not hear   about it much these days, a similar recipe is 
a popular childhood lunch item in Hong Kong.   It's called condensed milk toast, and it consists 
of toast spread with condensed milk and butter. In the 1990s, sloppy joes were a staple of 
lunchroom cafeterias and potluck dinners.

But   this messy creation was actually invented decades 
earlier. Some think it was created in 1930,   when a cook named Joe from Sioux City, 
Iowa mixed "loose meat" with tomato sauce   and served it on bread. Others claim that it 
originated at Sloppy Joe's Bar in Key West,   Florida. And still others believe that it was 
originally a take on a classic Cuban dish,   either picadillo or ropa vieja, and that it 
was being served in Havana as early as 1917. In any case, sloppy joes saw a rise in their 
popularity at the end of the 20th century,   but then they all but disappeared 
elsewhere by the end of the 90s.   While the culprit behind its 
demise isn't exactly clear,   it likely made its way out of cafeterias due 
to campaigns to reform school lunch programs.

"I made 'em extra sloppy for yas!” [laughter] Fondue first appeared in cookbooks 
in the 18th century in France and   Belgium. But the term has its origins in 
Switzerland from around the same time,   when it was used to refer to a meal 
made from bread that was often stale,   dipped in cheese to make it soft and 
help stretch rations during the winter. Fondue exploded in popularity in the United 
States in 1964 after it was featured in the   Alpine-themed restaurant in the Swiss 
Pavilion at the World's Fair. Then   Switzerland's cheesemakers banded together 
to create a union and prevent competition.   They launched a marketing campaign in 
the 70s that featured actors dressed in   skiing outfits dipping bread, meats, and 
more into creamy pots of melted cheese. Home fondue pots then grew in popularity, and 
soon fondue house parties were also a growing   trend. But like most trends, it faded away by 
the end of the decade, though it popped back   up in the early 2000s. You can still dip all 
manner of appetizers in creamy cheese at many   fondue restaurants, but DIY kits have once 
again disappeared from most store shelves.

"Do you … fondue?" White gravy was already a popular, cheap 
military ration by the time of World War   I when chipped beef made its way into 
the recipe. These thin slices of smoked,   salted beef were served on a slice 
of toast and then smothered in gravy,   to make a hot, simple dish 
to fill soldiers' stomachs. While it was gaining new and alternative 
ingredients, like parsley for flavor or   tomato sauce to thicken the dish, chipped beef 
also made its way into the mainstream.

Variations   were a cheap meal for families during the Great 
Depression, and later as a popular breakfast dish   at diners in Pennsylvania. Some national chains 
have even offered it on their menus. But while   chipped beef lives on primarily as a military 
dish, even they've altered the recipe to make   it healthier, usually trading the chipped beef 
for very lean ground beef or ground turkey. Long before DoorDashers were racing through 
the street, TV dinners were a mainstay for   American families short on time and looking for 
simple solutions. Frozen dinners as a concept   were actually created before households had a 
microwave to heat them in. In the mid-1920s,   Clarence Birdseye developed a machine that could 
freeze packaged fish to help it stay safe longer. A couple of decades later, frozen dinners 
hit the scene, but only as meals served   on airlines.

It would take until 1953 for 
260 tons of frozen leftover Thanksgiving   turkey to inspire a Swanson salesman to 
create partitioned aluminum trays filled   with turkey and sides to freeze and sell to 
the public. And thus, TV dinners were born. The frozen meal industry saw rapid growth from 
the mid-50s until the turn of the 21st century.   But 2008 marked the beginning of the end of this 
comfort food's reign, as frozen dinners saw their   first decline in almost 60 years, a trend that's 
continued with only brief pauses since then. While the name might say "egg," you won't find any yokes or whites in an egg cream. Or 
any cream, for that matter. Instead,   it has just three ingredients: whole 
milk, soda water, and chocolate syrup. "What did you say? An egg cream?" This sweet comfort drink is thought by 
some to have been invented in the 1880s,   when a Yiddish theater star by the name 
of Boris Thomashefsky decided to recreate   a "chocolat et creme" drink that he'd 
had in Paris. But most historians seem   to agree that a Jewish candy store owner named 
Louis Auster actually invented the drink.

He's   also rumored to have regularly sold some 
3,000 of his creations in a single day. The creator of the original egg cream 
took the recipe for his syrup to the   grave. But most Brooklyn natives swear 
that the only way to make one today is   Fox's U-Bet Chocolate Syrup. While you can 
still find egg creams served in Brooklyn,   they began to fade in popularity by the 60s 
and are largely unheard of outside of New York. Long before Army soldiers dug into 
piles of creamed beef on toast,   they were eating baked beans. This canned food 
staple first emerged around the Civil War. Then   sometime around the 1890s, someone had the idea 
to add chopped sausages to the mix, and thus a   new comfort food was born. By 1980, beans 'n' 
franks were widely available pre-made in cans. This combo was at one time such a staple of the 
American diet that it even had a holiday dedicated   in its honor, as National Beans 'N' Franks Day 
comes around every July 13.

But both of the main   ingredients have taken a hit in recent years. The 
healthiness of hot dogs has especially been called   into question many times in the past couple of 
decades. For example, in 2021, researchers at the   University of Michigan estimated that a single 
hot dog can shave 36 minutes off your life. You probably wouldn't consider eating turtles in 
any form to be comfort food. But not so long ago,   turtle soup was considered a delicacy for 
the upper crust. It was so popular, in fact,   that it practically wiped out an entire species. 
The diamondback terrapin was the turtle of choice   for hardscrabble diners, until it shifted 
from a subsistence food to an upper-class   menu item in the mid-19th century. Sherry was 
a key ingredient, and when Prohibition hit,   turtle soup went the way of the dodo. 
The terrapins eventually recovered,   though more than half of all turtle 
and tortoise species remain endangered. Turtle soup eventually made a bit of a 
recovery, as it was found on menus as   recently as the mid-20th century.

But it's 
not exactly the easiest dish to prepare,   owing in part to the difficulty of removing the 
shell and separating usable parts from the less   desirable elements. Nowadays, it's seen as a 
strange delicacy in much of the western world   rather than anything resembling a comfort food. "Am I not turtle-y enough for the turtle club?" Is it steak, is it hamburger, or is it a little 
of both? Salisbury steak remains one of the   lasting mysteries of 20th century comfort food 
trends, though it originated long before that.   As reported by Smithsonian Magazine, Dr.

Salisbury believed that his chopped steak could   cure chronic diarrhea in Civil War soldiers. 
By the time processed foods were becoming   a staple of the American diet, Salisbury 
steak had found its way into TV dinners. But when TV dinners began waning 
in popularity in the mid-1980s,   so too did the Salisbury steak. Since then, it's 
never regained its place in the world of comfort   food. With much better fare available, 
a pulverized meat substance formed into   a patty doesn't exactly scream "comfort." 
Here's hoping it never makes a comeback. "Buh-bye."

"Buh-bye. Buh-bye." Jell-O salad, an odd combination of name 
brand gelatin and just about anything   you can find in the refrigerator, was a 
comfort food standard when Jell-O ruled   the processed food world.

There were 
variations for just about every taste,   or lack thereof. Onions, peppers, tuna, 
green olives, shrimp, carrots, spinach,   and other various vegetables all somehow managed 
to get mixed together with this classic gelatin. With all these creative combinations 
circulating around domestic dining rooms,   it's not too difficult to see what 
might have knocked Jell-O salad off   the comfort food buffet. As it turns out, fish, 
vegetables, and meat suspended in reconstituted   connective tissue ultimately aren't all that 
appetizing. Once cooler heads prevailed,   Jell-O jiggled back to its previous 
self-proclaimed status as "America's   Most Famous Dessert," and Jell-O salad 
became nothing more than a distant memory. Almost as controversial as the infamous 
Washington, D.C. hotel it's named for,   Watergate salad was a picnic and potluck 
staple in the not-so-distant past.

This   combination of pistachio pudding 
mix, marshmallows, whipped cream,   and pineapple topped with chopped nuts and 
cherries charmed visitors to the Watergate   Hotel before making its way to deli counters 
in grocery stores across America. But now,   it's disappeared just as much as a certain portion 
of former President Nixon's White House tapes. "Well, I'm not a crook." If you think of Watergate salad as ambrosia 
salad's hipper, younger sibling, then you can   get a sense of why it had its moment. The name 
itself may be partly to blame for its downfall.   The Watergate scandal made a mess of the American 
presidency that still reverberates to this day.   But also, the waning popularity of Jell-O pudding 
mix and Jell-O salads is what really did this   fluffy comfort food in.

As a culinary relic that's 
best left in the past, Watergate salad is now   a kitschy reference to the days when government 
conspiracies were just reserved for the tabloids..

Lillie’s Kitchen


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