Lillie's Kitchen

Learned this Trick in a Restaurant! The Most Delicious Beef Recipes!

2 tbsp all-purpose flour. 1/2 tsp newly ground pepper. 1 extra pound/ 450g beef cooking meat. Hi Everybody. throw and add the beef to coat well. Warm 2 tablespoon of the oil in a big pot. Include the beef to the frying pan. 4 tbsp Butter. Chef, turning the pieces till beef is browned on Continue Reading…

Learned this Trick in a Restaurant! The Most Delicious Beef Recipes!

2 tbsp all-purpose flour. 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper. 1 pound/ 450g beef cooking meat. Hey there Everybody. throw and add the beef to layer well. Warmth 2 tbsp of the oil in a huge pot. Include the beef to the frying pan. 4 tablespoon Butter. Cook, turning the pieces up until beef is browned Continue Reading…